Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1st things 1st: Ground Rules

1) Lebron > Kobe. It's not even a debate anymore, just stop it please. Even the man who wrote the Book of Basketball (great read, go get it!) said it...and his word is practically the gospel.

This will be the last time I will even utter the names LeBron and Kobe in the same sentence.

2) This blog was born in 2010...sadly, events B.D. (Before.Droid.) will not be covered. That means no rehashing the Tiger-Elin saga. Suffice it to say though that I knew way back when that Blu Cantrell's "Hit 'em up Style" and Jazmine Sullivan's "Bust your Windows" would inevitably lead to this day. smh.

3) Respect my conglomerate! Yes, this is a catch all provision (sort of like the "moral turpitude" clause in NBA contracts) and yes violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


  1. i think kobe should get a prize for playing with like 10 injuries at the same time...he has old-man game now, all pump fakes and jab steps...can someone please give him a day off?

  2. I know you haven't read it

  3. once lebron accomplishes something in life then I'll listen to you. Until then, MVP MVP MVP

  4. Lebron have you seen my championship rings?
