Thursday, May 6, 2010

On Mexicans, 'Los Suns', and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer

Last night the Phoenix suns sported 'Los Suns' jersey, in part, as protest to Arizona's recent "anti-immigrant" legislation HB 1070, which raises the inauspicious specter of racial profiling. Shortly before tipoff Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer responded...actually "response" is not the right word. She flat out KILLED it. If you haven't read it, check it:

With a few strokes of the pen, a dash of poignant context, and a sprinkle of fact and legal analysis, Gov. Brewer told the rising tide of backlash to slow its roll, and forced many -- myself included -- to re-evaluate our ever changing opinions of immigration policy and AZ HB 1070. Most importantly, she sounded a warning bell to the bureacrats and legislators in Washington and called them to action.

Before we go too far, I should say up front that I do not agree with Arizona's HB 1070. To the extent HB 1070 makes a state law what is already a federal law (i.e., you have to carry around your green card), I don't have a problem with it. In the utopian version of America where enforcement of said law would not be implemented in a discriminatory way, I do not have a problem with the law. But in real America where we have a long and sordid history of racial profiling and laws being implemented in a discriminatory manner, regardless of Arizona's intentions, this law will be no different. As a black man I couldn't even sit here and say -- knowing full well how the law will be implemented -- that I support HB 1070.

But I do understand the context of HB 1070 and most importantly I support Gov. Brewer's larger point...namely, Washington step your game up! HB 1070 is a racist law that will undoubtedly be applied in a racist way, but the law is merely a symptom of a much larger problem. That problem is money (or many states' lack thereof, bolstered by a lack of federal support),an utter failure of the federal government to even begin to control the southernmost U.S. border, and a lack of any coherent immigration policy. So since the federal government created this mess, opening the door for states to have to resort to reckless policy making in order to address a federal issue, it is only right that the federal government at least start to fix it.

There seems to me 3 and only 3 options to rectify this immigration thing. Since one is but a fantasy pipe dream I will get it out of the way first.

Option 1: Help Mexico?

Yes, I told you it was outlandish. The U.S. has a long history of globe trotting and deploying military might or aid for this or that cause. Our Mexican bretheren haven't been shown much love for one reason or another in this history. But since the U.S. feels some sort of responsibility to repeatedly trot itself around the globe quite often without provocation and more often in instances when we have no business whatsoever being involved, then why not go south of the border with some of this "goodwill"? I know, it's too much to ask to actually make a conscious comprehensive effort to work with the Mexican government to help them stimulate their economy so that significant portions of their population didn't feel like the only land of opportunity was across the border. And the "drug war" ended shortly after the release of Scarface so I suppose it'd be asking too much to really put resources into working with Mexican officials to get the drug cartels down there under control. Besides that might mess with our supply and demand remains high. So helping Mexico help itself is out.

Realistically that leaves 2 and only 2 options.

Option 2: Legalize it!

I have to admit, I'm biased. This option is my favorite. Everyone here (no, I'm not talking to you Native Americans) is either an immigrant or "immigrated" here against their will (lets get busy this year in the World Cup Ivory Coassttt!). America should always be a beacon of hope and should always shine as a safe haven for those far and near who hope to achieve the "American dream" rags to riches style. So with all the genius' in Washington we should have no end of innovative ways to start removing silly visa caps (for people who are already living here anyway, without having to file their federal or state taxes every April 15th!) and legalizing many of these immigrants, which would presumably cure many of the funding woes border states complain about. The caps point demands further attention. Specifically, I get that we have this whole "equality" thing going, but really...can anyone explain to me why it makes sense to have a quota system in place whereby citizens from Belgium and Iceland have to legally immigrate an equal amount of people as Mexico?? Bueller, Bueller, anyone??? I guess spending billions of dollars of tax payer money on enforcement initiatives and STILL having 11-12 million undocumented (i.e., illegal) immigrants and having ridiculous caps and quotas in place is the "new smart".

Anywho, short of a comprehensive legalization effort -- or perhaps coupled with -- we need much stronger federal migrant worker programs and protections. Though I am appreciative of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers Protection Act, clearly not all immigrants work on farms (fast food restaurants, etc. you know who you are!). Hence, ratifying the "United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families" would be a nice start.

Option 3: Release the hounds!!

Yep, I said it. The last way to stymie rampant illegal immigration is to get these borders under control. The southern border is too big (Canadians aren't trying to come to this country, so the northern border doesn't count!) and it's an impossible task, you say? Maybe. Maybe not. I will say the U.S. spares no effort or expense when it comes to war mongering, war head making, oil protecting, or big business bailing out. No one's worried about effort, dollars and sense or resources then. We plow through day and night creating and executing plans until we are "victorious". So either protecting the border is a federal priority or it is not. Either we can get er done or not. But if you are sitting here telling me this is the absolute best we can do with border control, we better each hope and pray that we keep traipsing the globe to fight our battles and that no one gets the gumption to bring the fight to us.

Until Washington steps up with some semblance of a coherent federal solution to the immigration problem HB 1070 will not be the last law of its kind we certainly wasn't the first. And that's how Nick, knows it.